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August 2022

Dec 21 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec



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1 Mon

2 Tue

1.00pm - Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle


Vienna to Budapest: Organ works of Brahms, Liszt and Bruckner

Peter Guy (organ)

Christ Church Cathedral’s former Director of Music, Peter Guy, in a program that explores all the colours of the organ, including the world premiere of a new transcription for organ. Don’t miss one of the last opportunities to hear this great organist before he heads off to new adventures. Themed food will be available prior to the concert, from 12 noon.

The version of Bruckner’s Finale from Symphony No. 9 to be performed in Newcastle will be the latest revision by John Phillips of the “SPCM”* performing version of the Finale, which John worked on with three European collaborators, Nicola Samale, Giuseppe Mazzuca and Benjamin Cohrs, between 1990 and 2012 and which has been widely performed and recorded, notably by the Berlin Philharmonic under Simon Rattle in 2012 on EMI. The orchestral score of the latest revision, which among other things restores a further 12 bars of Bruckner’s original sketches for the coda, is to be premiered in London in November of this year by the London Philharmonic Orchestra under conductor Robin Ticciati.

*SPCM – Saint Paul Conservatory of Music


Australian musicologist and composer Dr John Phillips, whose work and publications on this movement extend back thirty years, will give a pre-concert talk about the organ transcription of the Bruckner Symphony revision at 12.30pm prior to the performance by Peter Guy at his final recital in Newcastle Cathedral. {Concert patrons are welcome to enter the Cathedral during the talk.)


Franz LISZT (1811-1886)
Prelude and Fugue on BACH

Franz Joseph HAYDN (1732-1809)
Selections from Pieces for Mechanical Clock

Dezso ANTALFFY-ZSIROSS (1885-1945)
Sketches on Negro Spirituals

Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897)
Two Chorale Preludes
– Es ist ein Ros
– O welt, Ich muss dich lassen

Anton BRUCKNER (1824-1896)
Finale from Symphony No. 9 – (reconstructed and arranged by John Phillips)*
* World Premiere performance 



3 Wed

4 Thu

5 Fri

1.10pm - Pitt St Uniting Church, 264 Pitt Street, Sydney

The Pitt St Lunchtime Organ Festival

(May - September 2022)

Fridays from 1.10 - 1.50pm. Admission by note donation at the door.

Artistic Directors: Kurt Ison and Stacey Yang

Enquiries: Kurt Ison or 0430 372 990

Organist: Simon Nieminski



12 noon - Wesley Uniting Church, Crown St, Wollongong


6 Sat

7 Sun

8 Mon

9 Tue

10 Wed

11 Thu

12 Fri

1.10pm - Pitt St Uniting Church, 264 Pitt Street, Sydney

The Pitt St Lunchtime Organ Festival

(May - September 2022)

Fridays from 1.10 - 1.50pm. Admission by note donation at the door.

Artistic Directors: Kurt Ison and Stacey Yang

Enquiries: Kurt Ison or 0430 372 990

Organist: Sam Giddy

- Felix Mendelssohn (1809 - 1847) – Prelude and Fugue in C Minor Op. 37

- César Franck (1822 - 1890) — Prière Op. 20

- Samuel Giddy (b. 1999) – Choral and Variations

- Louis Vierne (1870 - 1937) — Berceuse No. 19 from 24 Pièces en style libre Op. 31

- J.S. Bach (1685 - 1750) – Pièce d’Orgue BWV 572


13 Sat

5.00pm - 6.00pm Fine Music FM Organ Music Society Radio Program 102.5MHz



Our next program in The King of Instruments series on 2MBS Fine Music Sydney (102.5FM and digital radio) at 5 pm on Saturday 13 August 2022 presents a portrait of the influential organist Anton Heiller (1923-1979).
In June this year, John Hanna had the privilege of interviewing Christa Rumsey, who was a student of Heiller from 1961 to 1966. Christa spoke about Heiller the man, the teacher and the musician. The program is built around these vivid and interesting recollections, and we hear Heiller play the following Bach works:

  1. Nun komm der Heiden Heiland, BWV 659 
  2. Vater unser in Himmelreich, BWV 737 
  3. Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele, BWV 654 
  4. O Mensch, bewein’ dein’ Sunde gross, BWV 622 
  5. Concerto No. 2 in A minor, BWV 593 (after Vivaldi)


Memorial Service for Robert Smith FRCO

Members will be saddened to hear of the passing of Robert Smith on June 26.  A Memorial Service to commemorate Robert’s life will be held next Saturday August 13 at 2pm, at St Saviour’s Anglican Cathedral, Goulburn.

There will be many special musical moments featuring the historic Foster and Andrews cathedral organ played by Callum Knox, and a choir and trumpeter.

Those who manage to arrive by 1.30pm will be rewarded by an actual recording of Robert playing his favourite piece, Bach’s Passacaglia in C minor BWV 582, before Callum takes over with Franck and some more Bach. Callum will conclude the service with the Third Movement from Guilmant’s Sonata in D minor.
Afternoon tea will be served following the service


14 Sun

15 Mon

16 Tue

17 Wed

7.00pm - St Mary's Catholic Cathedral, College Street

Simon Nieminski

Music by Bach, Elgar, Korngold, Ravanello, Hackson and How

Retiring collection


18 Thu

12.30pm - Yirranma Place (former First Church of Christ Scientist Church, Liverpool St)

Lunchtime Concert Series: Winter 2022 

Featuring organist Robert Fox

Join us at Yirranma Place for a free lunchtime concert by our Resident Organist, Robert Fox, showcasing the Grand Heritage organ.

The 30 minute program will include popular film scores and classical composers.

The cafe will be open before and after the recital where a range of lunch options are available for purchase.

Limited capacity: Ticket booking is essential

Auditorium, Yirranma Place. 
262 Liverpool St, Darlinghurst

Check in: 12.15pm
Concert: 12.30pm - 1.00pm

Please click here to book.


19 Fri

1.10pm - Pitt St Uniting Church, 264 Pitt Street, Sydney

The Pitt St Lunchtime Organ Festival

(May - September 2022)

Fridays from 1.10 - 1.50pm. Admission by note donation at the door.

Artistic Directors: Kurt Ison and Stacey Yang

Enquiries: Kurt Ison or 0430 372 990

Organist: Andrej Kouznetsov

Fantasia in G, BWV 572 - Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

Study in A minor, Op.56 No.2 - Robert Schumann (1810-1856)

Hymne à la splendeur des clartés - Jean-Jacques Grunenwald (1911-1982)

A Lullaby for Phyllida - Harold Wylde (1888-1975)

Prelude and Fugue in D, ‘Hallelujah’ - Franz Schmidt (1874-1939)


20 Sat

2.00pm - St Andrew's Cathedral


21 Sun

5.30pm  Christ Church St Laurence, Sydney

Organ Recital Series on 3rd Sundays followed by Choral Evensong at 6.30pm

Kurt Ison (Sydney)


Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707) - Passacaglia in D minor (BuxWV161)

John Travers (c. 1703-1758) - Voluntary in D Minor and D Major i) Largo ii) Allegro Moderato 

Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562-1621) - Variations on Vater unser im himmelreich 

Florence B. Price (1887-1953) - Adoration for organ (from The organ portfolio volume 15/86, December 1951 

César Franck (1822-1890) - Cantabile (from 3 pieces for organ, 1878)

Louis Vierne (1870-1937) - III Stele pour un enfant défunt (from ‘Triptyque’ opus 58)

Kurt Ison (b 1965-) - Meditation on ‘Hodie Christus Natus est’ (Variations on the first phrase)

Joseph Jongen (1873-1953) - Choral (opus 37, no 4)

Admission is by note donation at the door.



2.30pm - Goulburn Anglican Cathedral


22 Mon

23 Tue

24 Wed

25 Thu

26 Fri

1.10pm St Stephen's, Macquarie St, Sydney.

Stefan Donner [Austria] (organ)

Program details

Admission is by note donation at the door.

Enquiries: 0413 226 803 (or email Mark Quarmby)

27 Sat

Organ Homecoming
7 pm, Avondale University Seventh-day Adventist Church (582 Freemans Dr, Cooranbong NSW 2265)

Hear the sounds of the world’s most famous organs. The premiere performance of Avondale University’s new Hauptwerk virtual pipe organ. Featuring organist Peter Guy, former Master of the Choristers and Director of Music at Christ Church Cathedral in Newcastle. Honours the late Valerie Duncan’s love of music and continues a legacy of the Duncan–Kranz family’s support of the arts and of Avondale. Presented by Avondale Conservatorium as part of Avondale Alumni’s Homecoming 2022. Tickets from $30.


28 Sun

29 Mon

30 Tue

31 Wed





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