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3.30pm - Great Hall, University of Sydney
Great Hall Organ's 50th anniversary recital
Amy Johansen (organ) and St Andrew’s Brass
The carillon will be played at 2-2.45pm to kick off the celebrations, by Honorary Carillonists Lucy Koe, Ted Grantham and Daniel Guo.
Organ program:
· Festive Fanfare for Organ and Brass - Robert Ampt
· Schmucke dich, O meine Seele - Johann Sebastian Bach
· Canzona Septimi Toni - Giovanni Gabrieli
· Prelude and Fugue in C, BWV 545 - Johann Sebastian Bach
· Processional - William Matthias
· Introduction and Passacaglia - Max Reger
· Grand Choeur Dialogue - Eugene Gigout
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5.00pm - 6.00pm FM 102.5 Fine Music Organ Music Society Radio Program 102.5MHz
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6.00pm - St Andrew's Cathedral, corner George and Bathurst Streets, Sydney
Join us in our musical prayer for the relief and welfare of the Ukrainian people and those impacted by the war. Enjoy baroque and classical favourites and discover modern Ukrainian and Australian composers. Music by Agricola, Buxtehude, Pachelbel, JS Bach, Lysenko, Renaud, Leontovych, Skoryk, Shukh, Havrylets, Goncharenko, Loader, Lunyov and Almashi, including several Australian debuts.
Free admission with a voluntary tax-deductible donation to the United Ukraine Appeal
Mar’yana Sywak (violin)
Fiona Loader (piano)
Alexandra Sidorenko (organ)
Anna Tomasyshyn (piano)
Ludmila Nikolsky (cimbalom)
Tim Blomfield (cello)
Annette Smith (violin)
Dashiel Drury (organ, piano)
Anatoli Torjinski (cello)
Paul Burjan (saxophone)Victoria Stepanenko (piano)
18 Sun
4.00pm - St Mary's Catholic Cathedral, College Street
Titus Grenyer plays Messiaen's 'La Nativité du Seigneur'
19 Mon
8.00pm - Sydney Town Hall
Christmas at the Sydney Town Hall. Tickets on sale ($20, $15 Children and Concession) from 1st November
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12.30pm - Sydney Town Hall
Young Organist’s Day. Admission Free (Amazing performances by young players.)
29 Thu
30 Fri
No recital at St Stephen's, Macquarie St today
31 Sat