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September 2022

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1 Thu

2 Fri

1.10pm - Pitt St Uniting Church, 264 Pitt Street, Sydney

The Pitt St Lunchtime Organ Festival

(May - September 2022)

Fridays from 1.10 - 1.50pm. Admission by note donation at the door.

Artistic Directors: Kurt Ison and Stacey Yang

Enquiries: Kurt Ison or 0430 372 990

Organist: Brendon Lukin

3 Sat

4 Sun

5 Mon

6 Tue

7 Wed

8 Thu

9 Fri

10 Sat

5.00pm - 6.00pm FM 102.5 Fine Music Organ Music Society Radio Program 102.5MHz

11 Sun

2.00pm St Stephen's, Macquarie St, Sydney.


12 Mon

13 Tue

14 Wed

15 Thu

16 Fri

17 Sat

18 Sun

5.30pm  Christ Church St Laurence, Sydney

Organ Recital Series on 3rd Sundays followed by Choral Evensong at 6.30pm

Mark Quarmby (St Stephen's Macquarie St)

Admission is by note donation at the door.



3.00pm - St Luke’s Anglican Church, 11 Stanmore Road, Enmore

Wordsworth & Maskell Pipe Organ Recital

Well-known to Sydney audiences, St Luke’s is delighted to welcome Heather Moen-Boyd to perform, at last, a recital to mark the final stage in the restoration of the Church’s unique 1883 Wordsworth & Maskell Pipe Organ. From Mozart to Mendelssohn, whose works were performed at the instrument’s 1884 recital, the performance will include butterflies and cuckoos for the Spring Equinox and the Great Gate of Kyiv.

2023 Emerging Young Organists Series funds raised at this recital will be used to support a series of recitals commencing in 2023 by young and emerging organ scholars and organists.

Entry $10 ($5 all concessions), including programme note (EFTPOS or cash) with light refreshments to follow.

Access easily accessible by public transport, limited on-site parking. Parking available in local streets or at the Inner West Council car park in Edgeware Road (near the intersection of Enmore and Stanmore Roads) - see link to the Inner West Council website for details:

Post-modern manners please sit à la distance as indicated by J S Bach, a mask worn to cover the mouth and nose de rigueur, non-attendance if you feel unwell or have cold or flu-like symptoms.

RSVP preferred or come as you are.

19 Mon

20 Tue

12.30pm - St Paul's, Burwood, 207 Burwood Road

Our next recital on Tuesday 20th September promises to be one of musical diversity. Our next Lunchtime Recital will be performed by organist David Drury and baritone and French horn player Jack Stephens.   

David played at our first Lunchtime Recital on Tuesday 20th September 2015.

The program includes arias from Handel’s Messiah and J S Bach’s cantata Christ lag in Todesbanden (Christ lay in Death’s Bonds).
Enrico Bossi’s rousing Entrée Pontificale for organ and Aria by the Belgian organist and composer, Flor Peeters, will bring this diversity.


Owing to the current period of national mourning and before the cathedral's Requiem Mass for HM The Queen on 24th September, we have cancelled the organ concert originally scheduled for Tuesday 20th September.

Titus Grenyer will now play his intended programme on Wednesday 19th October in place of Simon Niemiński, whose original October programme will be postponed until next year.

7.00pm - St Mary's Catholic Cathedral, College Street

Titus Grenyer


21 Wed

22 Thu

23 Fri

24 Sat

25 Sun

26 Mon

12.30pm - Sydney Town Hall

Organ Recital (Robert Ampt). Free admission


27 Tue

28 Wed

29 Thu

30 Fri

1.10pm St Stephen's, Macquarie St, Sydney.

Mark Quarmby (organ)

Program details

Admission is by note donation at the door.

Enquiries: 0413 226 803 (or email Mark Quarmby)



30 September – 3 October

The NSW Directors of the Organ Historical Trust of Australia (OHTA) have arranged an “in person” mini-conference in Sydney over the long weekend in September-October this year.  During the weekend OHTA plans to hear, see and play notable organs by Fincham, Forster & Andrews, Gern, Gray & Davison, Hill & Son, Hill, Norman & Beard, Rendall and Walcker.  Few of these instruments have been visited by OHTA or the Organ Music Society of Sydney (OMSS) in recent years.

Participants are invited to attend the scheduled lunch-time recital at St Stephen’s Uniting Church, Macquarie Street, Sydney, on Friday 30 September from 1.10pm, featuring Mark Quarmby.  Following the recital (for which a note donation is customary), two other organs in the city will be visited.

On Saturday 1 October the conference bus will leave Central Station (at the western concourse upstairs near the bell tower) at 8:45 am and will return at around 5:15 pm, after visiting five organs in the south-eastern suburbs, including Kingsford, Maroubra, Randwick and Coogee.

On Sunday 2 October the bus will leave Central Station at 1:15pm, returning at 5.45pm, after visiting three organs in the inner suburbs.  A recital in memory of Ray Holland, who was a director and honorary life member of OHTA, will be given by Kurt Ison at All Saints’ Anglican Church, Woollahra.

On Monday 3 October participants will have the opportunity to attend the Sydney Organ Competition with organs by organs by Letourneau, Holroyd & Edwards and Norman & Beard.  OHTA is most grateful to the OMSS for welcoming conference participants to join this event at OMSS member rates.  (Note: no bus has been organised for the day).

No meals or accommodation are included in the registration fee.  It is recommended that participants from outside Sydney book their own accommodation in the area around Central Station, where there is a good range of hotels offering competitive online rates.  Meal breaks will occur after visits to churches located close to cafes and restaurants.  Two afternoon teas will be included.

Full Registration is $120.  (This fee includes use of the bus on Saturday and Sunday, attendance on those days and the Friday afternoon, as well as a conference booklet).  The day rate for Friday afternoon is $20, Saturday $70 (including bus) and Sunday afternoon $50 (also including bus). Registration is now open via “Try Booking”. Click this link or copy it into your browser: A further link is available on the OMSS website ( organ recitals concert diary.

Those seeking more information should contact Kelvin Hastie at or via the contact page on the OHTA website: (