Campion College
8 - 14 Austin Woodbury Place, Toongabbie

J.W. Walker & Sons 1875 (1/3 mechanical)

Pipes were restencilled 2007

This organ was built in 1875 by J.W. Walker & Sons for Henry Hall, Esq at Sutherland House, Sylvania before being moved to St Hilda's, Teralba in the Hunter region. It has one manual with three speaking stops and mechanical action.

The specification is (provided by Peter Jewkes):

Stopped Diapason Bass
Wald Flute Treble

8 ft. tone
8 ft.
8 ft.
4 ft. tone

(actually a Stopped Diapason throughout entire compass)

(open, apart from bottom octave)

Pedal pull-downs (CC - G, 20 notes)

Compass 56/20 notes

Photos supplied by Rodney Ford and Peter Jewkes