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Sydney Suburban Organs


Please click on the blue links below to access further photos and information on the organs
Sydney suburbs are arranged in alphabetical order - please click on the blue letter of the suburb below
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Sydney City T U V W X Y Z

Click below for other organs in New South Wales
Maitland Wollongong
Click below for other Australian organs listed by State
Tasmania Northern Terr.

BAPTIST CHURCH, cnr. Homer Street and Richard Avenue
B. 1969-72 Ron Mapstone, Eric Field and others, incorporating pipework and parts from
(1) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Greenwich (Charles Dirksen, Brisbane);
(2) Methodist Church, Merewether: Newcastle (W.L. Roberts 1927);
(3) Methodist Church: Malvern Hill (T.C. Edwards 1928)
2m., 11 rks. ext., 8c., el.mag. Gt: Sw: Ped:
Organ has been removed (details unknown).
ST GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH cnr. St George's Parade & Minnamurra Avenue
B: (c.1880-1890 George Fincham?). Inst. from St Thomas' Anglican Church, Kingsgrove
2m., 8, 3c., tr. Gt: Sw: 8.8.4. Ped: 16.
Organ unplayable with case holding speakers and console controlling a virtual organ

Uniting (Methodist) Church, William Street
S.T. Noad, Sydney, 1942
Electrified and enlarged 1985 Brown & Arkley, Sydney
2 manuals, 8 speaking stops, electro-pneumatic action

East Lindfield
BAPTIST CHURCH, Wellington Road
First organ, B. 1958 J.P. Eagles
(incorporating 4 ranks of pipework from first organ in Baptist Church, Canberra)
Inst. present location 1969 J.P. Eagles from Baptist Church, Chatswood East
Present organ, B. 1894 George Fincham for Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Stawell, Victoria
Reb. & inst. Baptist Church, St Ives 1969 S.I. Sakacs, Melbourne
Reb. & inst. present location 1972 A. Welby incorporating further pipework from previous Eagles organ
2m., 35, 3c., el.mag.
Gt: Sw: 8.8.8 Ped:
East Roseville
St Barnabas' Anglican Church, cnr. William & Macquarie Streets, East Roseville
Whitehouse Bros, Brisbane, 1931
2 manuals, 7 speaking stops, tubular-pneumatic action
Rebuilt and enlarged 1962 H. Goris (of B. Pels & Zoon, Alkmaar, Holland)
2 manuals, 16 speaking stops, 8 couplers, tubular-pneumatic action
Electrified with changes 1976 Pitchford & Garside, Sydney
2 manuals, 17 speaking stops, 8 couplers, electro-pneumatic action
East Sydney

St Peter's Anglican Church, Bourke Street
[subsequently the Great Hall of SCEGGS Darlinghurst]

FIRST ORGAN. see: St Saviour's Anglican Church, Redfern

SECOND ORGAN. see: St Finbars' Catholic Church, Glenbrook

Duke of York Theatre
see Epping Baptist Church
Lakeside Uniting Church, 14 - 16 Lakeside Road
Formerly St Andrew's Uniting Church (formerly Presbyterian),
cnr Trelawney and Rutledge Streets, Eastwood
S.T. Noad 1951, rebuilt Brown & Arkley 1985 (2/22 electro-pneumatic)
Removed and relocated in present new church building P.D.G Jewkes 2011.
St Kevin's Catholic Church, Hillview Road
B. 1968 J.P Eagles. Inst. 1969 J. P. Eagles from Loreto Convent , Kirribilli.
2m., 2 rks. ext., el. mag.
Removed when new church was built.
ST PHILLIP'S ANGLICAN CHURCH, cnr Rutledge Street & Shaftesbury Road.
B. 1886 Hele & Co., Plymouth for "Tahlee House", residence of R.H.D White, Esq., Port Stephens
Inst. present location 1932 C.W. Leggo.
Reb. & enl. 1968 S.T. Noad & Son.
3m., 27, 11c.,
Gt: Sw: Ch: Ped: 16.16.10-2/
Rem. and reb. for residence of Geoff Bock
Uniting (Methodist) Church, Lakeside Road
B. 1948 S.T. Noad
2 m., 10 sp. st., 5c., Gt: Sw: Ped: 16.8.
New church to be built with the organ from St Andrew's Uniting Church, Eastwood. See above.
Eagles. 2 rks. ext., pedals, el.mag.
Former residence of Norman Johnston, Ocean Street,
B. 1964 Ronald Sharp 2m., 3, 3c., tr. Man I: 8. Man II: 4. Ped: 8.
Moved to Windsor Street, Paddington.
Now installed 2011, Melbourne private residence
St Joseph's Catholic Church, Albert Street
First organ: B. 1912 Norman & Beard, London & Norwich
Reb. 1973 Geo. Fincham & Sons. 2m., 14 sp. st., 3c., el. pn.
Gt: Sw: Ped: 16.8.4.
Present organ: Geo. Fincham & Sons 1901 (2/15 mechanical)
Elizabeth Bay
St Canice's Catholic Church, cnr Roslyn Street and Roslyn Gardens
Builder unknown, prob. W.E. Richardson, c.1926 (2/8 electro-pneumatic)
St Thomas' Anglican Church, cnr. Coronation Parade & King Street
B. 1908 builder unknown, to replace earlier organ poss. by A. Hughes 1901
Reb. 1949 R.A. & D.A. Wiltshire. Reb. & enl. 1966 Hill, Norman & Beard
2m., 15 sp. st, 7c., & el.mag. Gt: Sw: 8.8.4.III.8. Ped:
Church of Christ Tabernacle, Metropolitan Road
B. 1910 George A. Smith. 2m.,, 3c., tr. & pedal action
Gt: Sw: Ped: 16.8.
Broken up and vandalised 2000 after church was sold.
St Luke's Anglican Church, Stanmore Road
B. 1883 Wordsworth & Maskell, Leeds. Res. 1975 A. Welby
Res. 2011 Peter D G Jewkes
2m., 14 sp. st., 3c., tr.
Gt: Sw: Ped: 16.
St Pius V Catholic Church, 256 Edgeware Road (also listed as Newtown)
(formerly in Stanmore Methodist Church and Newington College Centenary Hall)
Ian Brown & Assoc. 2005 using parts from an older instrument (2/23 mechanical)
Epping Baptist Church, cnr Ray and Carlingford Roads
Christie 2/10, 1932 Theatre Organ
Epping Uniting Church (formerly Congregational), cnr Oxford and Chester Streets
J.E. Dodd 1928, rebuilt G. Kendall (1977-78),
Repairs and additions J. Parker (1989-92 and 1993)
Restored P.D.G. Jewkes 2009
(2/15 electric)
Epping Uniting Church (formerly Methodist), Oxford Street
1953 J.P. Eagles, Sydney
Enlarged by J.P. Eagles 1962 and 1969
Rebuilt 1980 Geoffrey D. Kendall, Sydney
Removed and broken up 1996
2 manuals, 16 speaking stops, 7 couplers,
electro-magnetic action
Presbyterian Church, Bridge Street
B. 1953 S.T. Noad & Son. 2m., 11, 7c.,
Gt: Sw: Ped: 16.8.
B. c.1890 Baker & Sloane, London for New Church, Clarence Street, Sydney
or by Joseph Massey using some parts by Baker & Sloane - Rushworth Supplement)
Inst. 1970's present location
2m., 7, 2c.: tr. Gt: 8.8 divided.4. Sw: 8.8.4. Ped: 16.
St Alban's Anglican Church, 3 Pembroke Street
Orgues Létourneau 1981, Op.2 (2/18 mechanical)
LifeWay (formerly St Mark's) Lutheran Church, 56 Norfolk Road
George Fincham & Sons 1972 (1/5 mechanical)
Organ removed and sold to Steven Woolcott, Hamlyn Terrace (2018)
Epping West
Uniting (Methodist) Church, Carlingford Road.
B. 1971 S.T. Noad & Son incorporating 2nd hand pipework from
Methodist Church, North Sydney and elsewhere.
2m., 8 rks, + mixture ext., 5c., el. mag.
Gt: Sw: Ped: 16.8.5-1/

Peter D.G. Jewkes Pty Ltd Organ Building Works
Australian Brandenburg Orchestra continuo organ
Mander Organs, London, 2003
1 manual, 4 speaking stops, mechanical action
(June 2019 - now stored at Holy Name Catholic Church, Wahroonga when not in use)


Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Rochford Street
William Davidson 1905 (2/12 mechanical)



Please click on the blue links below to access further photos and information on the organs
Sydney suburbs are arranged in alphabetical order - please click on the blue letter of the suburb below
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Sydney City T U V W X Y Z

Click below for other organs in New South Wales
Maitland Wollongong
Click below for other Australian organs listed by State
Tasmania Northern Terr.