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City Organs - destroyed or removed

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Sydney suburbs are arranged in alphabetical order - please click on the blue letter of the suburb below
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Tasmania Northern Terr.

ABC Theatrette, Broadcast House, 264 Pitt St
see: Wahroonga St Andrew's Anglican Church
Baptist Church, Bathurst Street
see: Sydney Central Baptist Church, George Street
Baptist Church, Harris Street
see: Newtown Baptist Church
Capitol Theatre, Campbell Street.
B. Wurlitzer Co., Tonawanda, N.Y.; opened 1928
Rem. 1972 Theatre Organ Society of Australia
see: Campsie Orion Function Centre
Centenary Hall, York Street (formerly Wesleyan Chapel)
see: Lindfield Uniting (Methodist) Church
Christ Church St Laurence Anglican Church, *
George Street, Railway Square
First organ: B. c. 1845 William Johnson; destroyed by fire 18/8/1905
Conference Hall, Castlereagh Street
see: Lindfield Uniting (Methodist) Church
Congregational Church (now Uniting), 264 Pitt Street
First organ: B. 1845 W. J. Johnson
Second organ: B. c. 1906 W.G Rendall: rem. 1910 Present location uncertain.
3m., 38 sp. st., tub. pn. Gt:[Mixture prep. for].8.4.
Sw: Ch: Ped:
Conservatorium of Music, Macquarie Street
George Fincham 1976 Studio practice organ (2/9 mechanical)
Rem. Mark Fisher Dec. 2006 for residence of John Jackson, Mount Colah
Crystal Palace Theatre, George Street
see:Bega St John's Anglican Church
English Opera House (renamed Prince of Wales Theatre soon after opening);
destroyed by fire 3/10/1860.
B. 1856 Gray & Davison, London; inst. T.V. Bridson. Present location uncertain.
2m., 15, 2c., tr., Gt: 8.8 divided.8.4.2-2/3.2.III.8. Sw: Ped: 16.
Rem. and inst. St Peter's Anglican Church Hall, East Sydney 1881 and
St Saviour's Anglican Church, Redfern 1886.
Garden Palace (Intercolonial Exhibition 1879-1880), Macquarie Street
Building destroyed by fire 1882.
B. c.1804 William Gray, London for unknown location in England.
Reb. & enl. 1867 Gray & Davison, London
Tonal alterations 1879 Gray & Davison, London (Gt. Harm. flute in place of Mixture II;
re-arrange Mixture III; Ch. Piccolo in place of 15th; Pedal Violoncello in place of Trombone).
Inst. 1879 C.J. Jackson (purchased from England by Sir Daniel Cooper; cost £600).
Des.1882. 3m., 26 sp. st., 4c., tr.
Gt: Sw: Ch: Ped: 16.16.8.
German Lutheran Church, 90 Goulburn Street
First organ: Details unknown. It is thought that maybe the organ in
St Stephen's Church, Mittagong (Walcker, 1861) may have been the first
German Lutheran Church organ before going to All Saint's, Singleton in 1868,
then to St Peter's, Hamilton in 1890 and then to Mittagong in 1971
Second organ: see: Young St John's Anglican Church
Great Hall, University of Sydney
First organ: B. 1883 Forster & Andrews, Hull
Reb. 1922-25 Charles Richardson. Reb. 1932-33 Hill, Norman & Beard (o/n 330)
Rem. 1970 and in storage at residence of Kevin Clancy, Wentworthville
3m., 37 sp. st., 14c., el. pn. Gt:
Sw: Ch: Ped:
Lyceum Hall (later known as Lyceum Theatre), Pitt Street
First organ: B. 1888 George Fincham, Melbourne, and exhibited in Centennial International Exhibition, Melbourne
Inst. 1889 Masonic Hall, Collins Street, Melbourne
Inst. 1905 Lyceum Hall Geo. Fincham & Son. Rem. 1928;
dismantled Hill, Norman & Beard - parts sold to C.W. Leggo and S.T. Noad.
3m., 42, 12c., tub. pn.
Gt: Sw: Ch & Solo:
see: Sydney Wesley Mission
Second organ: B. 1928 Hill, Norman & Beard ("Christie") (o/n 20)
2m., 8 rks. + mixture ext., 3c., el. mag. & el. pn.,
Man. I: Man. II:
see: Sydney Wesley Mission
Masonic Hall, Room No.1, Castereagh Street
B. 1920 T.C. Edwards. Reb. 1969 Hill, Norman & Beard (electrification).
Rem. 1970 to storage Pitchford & Garside.
2m., 10 sp. st., 4c., el. pn. Gt: Sw: Ped: 16.8.
Mission to Seamen, George Street North
B. 1887 E.F. Walcker & Cie, Ludwigsburg, Germany for "Presbyterian Church, Sydney"
Purchased c. 1968 from Misson to Seamen, George Street, Sydney
for residence of Peter McMillan at Burwood, then Glenorie
1m., 2 sp. st., 1c., pedal pulldowns, tr. & tub. pn. Man: 8.8.
The New Church, Clarence Street
B. c.1890 Baker & Sloane, London
(or by Joseph Massey using some parts by Baker & Sloane - Rushworth Supplement)
Inst. 1970's residence of John McCracken, Epping
2m., 7, 2c.: tr. Gt: 8.8 divided.4. Sw: 8.8.4. Ped: 16.
Plaza Theatre, George Street
B. c. 1923 Wurlitzer Co., Tonawanda, N.Y.
Inst. 1937 from Wintergarden Theatre, Brisbane.
Rem. c.1968; console to residence of Cecil Taylor, Harris Park;
other parts sold to Michael Pfitzner, Darwin, NT and to Adelaide
Presbyterian Church, Pitt Street
B. unknown [William Davidson?]
Moved to Congregational Church, cnr. New Canterbury Road and
Lewisham Street, Dulwich Hill? 1903 Charles Richardson
c. 1971 moved to Congregational Church, Railway Street, Petersham
in small original church Pitchford and Garside, but not erected.
2m., 7 sp. st., 3c., tr.
Gt: 8.8 divided.8. Sw: 8 divided.8.4. Ped: 16
Prince Edward Theatre
see Marrickville Town Hall
Prince of Wales Theatre (previously known as English Opera House)
destroyed by fire 3/10/1860.
B. 1856 Gray & Davison, London; inst. T.V. Bridson. Present location uncertain.
2m., 15, 2c., tr., Gt: 8.8 divided.8.4.2-2/3.2.III.8. Sw: Ped: 16.
Regent Theatre, George Street
B. 1920's Wurlitzer Co., Tonawanda, N.Y.
Rem. 1960's; parts now owned by John Atkinson, Hurstville
3m., 15 rks. ext.,
Royal Victoria Theatre
B. 1857 J.W. Walker, London (job no. 582)
Theatre destroyed by fire 22/7/1880. 1m., 12, 1c., tr. Mounted on rollers
Man: Ped: 16.16. Posaune. Compass 61/17
St Andrew's Cathedral, George Street
B. 1922 J. Whiteley Inst. 1930. Reb. 1952. Rem. 1998
B. 1952 Hill, Norman & Beard (comprising Whitely and Hill organs) Rem. 1998
St Andrew's Scots Church, Kent Street
see: Rose Bay St Andrew's Scots Church
see: Figtree St Mark's Anglican Church
St Andrew's Temporary Church (Cathedral), George Street
see: Chatswood Uniting (Congregational) Church

St Barnabas' Anglican Church, *
cnr Parramatta Road and Mountain Street, Broadway
Hill & Son 1879 (2/23 mechanical)
Church and organ destroyed by fire 10th May, 2006

St Luke's Anglican Church (1866 - 1905), Sussex Street
B. 1874 Jackson 1m., 9 sp. st., mech.
Gt: Ped:16
Sold to St Stephen's, Penrith 1906 where it was rebuilt and enlarged, Geo Fincham & Sons.
St Mary's Catholic Cathedral, Cathedral Street
First permanent organ: B. 1840 Henry Bevington, London;
opened at factory 8/7/1840 by Mr Mather opened in Cathedral 30/6/1841.
2m., 24 sp. st., 3c., 10 comp. pedals, tr.Case designed by A.W.N. Pugin.
Gt: (to GG) 8 divided. divided.
Sw: (to G) Ped: (to GGG) Destroyed by fire 1865.
Second organ: small organ purchased 1865 from T.V. Bridson Opened 19/11/1865;
destroyed by fire 1869.
Third organ: B. C.J. Jackson; first used 1874 in Pro-Cathedral in incomplete state
Inst. 1882 new Cathedral. Completed c. 1890-95 Charles Richardson
Twice moved in building. Demolished 1959;
parts used in Sharp chancel organ, St Mark's Anglican Church, Figtree, and elsewhere.
2m., 26 sp. st., 3c., tr. Gt:
Sw: Ped: 16.16.8.
For present fourth to seventh organs see: Sydney St Mary's Catholic Cathedral
St Patrick's Catholic Church,
cnr Grosvenor & Gloucester Streets, Church Hill
First organ: B. 1847-48 Gray & Davison, London
coxt £336.16/3. Rem. c. 1895. Present location unknown.
2m., 14 sp st., 2c., tr. Gt: (to GG) 8.8 divided.8.4.2-2/3.2.III.8. Sw: (ten. C) Ped: 16.
Second organ: B. c. 1895 Charles Anneesens, Grammont, Belgium.
3m., 28, 7c., tub. pn. Gt:
Sw: Ch: 8.8.8. Ped:
Reb. 1971-72 A. Welby 2m., 29, 7c., Gt:
Sw: Ped:
St Philip's Anglican Church, York St, Church Hill
Unknown builder 1849 bought second hand for present church 1856
2m., 14 sp. st., 3c., tr.
Gt: Sw: Ped: 16
Sold to St Saviour's School Room, Goulburn 1875
Sold to St Paul's, Charters Towers, Queensland 1895. Not used since 1912.
St Philip's Anglican Sunday School, Clarence Street
see Narrabeen St Faith's Anglican Church
St Stephen's Presbyterian Church, Phillip Street
B. 1879 Henry Willis & Sons, London. Res. & inst. 1934 Hill, Norman & Beard (o/n N6)
2m., 15, 3c., tr. & pedal action.
Gt: Sw: Ped: 16.16.
Inst. 1935 Hill, Norman & Beard Wesley Uniting Church, Amidale
when old St Stephen's was pulled down for extension of Martin Place
and the new St Stephen's, Macquarie St was built
see: Armidale Wesley Uniting Church
Scots Church Assembly Hall, Cnr York and Margaret Street
Hill, Norman & Beard 1929-30, 3m. 47, 18c., el. pn.
Organ removed from Assembly Hall with redevelopment of the church building (c.2000).
Sold to Scotch College, Hawthorn, Melbourne
Restored and erected in the College Assembly Hall,
South Island Organ Co. and Peter D G Jewkes (Sydney) 2004.
3m, 50 speaking stops, 18 couplers,
Unitarian Church, Liverpool Street
B. 1888 W.E. Richardson & Sons, Manchester
2m, 18 speaking stops, 3 couplers, tub. pn.
Destroyed by fire 6 November 1936
Vocal Harmonic Society, Infant Schoolroom, Castlereagh Street
B. J.W. Walker, London; cost £399.
Present location and details of specification unknown
Welsh Presbyterian Church, Chalmers Street
B. 1921 J.E. Dodd, Adelaide; inst. 1925 from Methodist Church, Wallaroo Mines, SA.
2m., 18 sp. st., 5c., tub. pn. Gt: Sw: Ped: 16.16.16.
1990 reb. John W. Parker, electrified, new console and Trumpet stop added
Church closed 2002 and organ sold.
Inst. and enl. Goldfields Pipe Organs 2003-4 Christ Church Anglican Cathedral, Ballarat
2m., 24 sp st.
Wesleyan Chapel, York Street (later known as Centenary Hall)
see: Lindfield Uniting (Methodist) Church
Wesley Chapel, Castlereagh Street (formerly Conference Hall)
First organ: see: Lindfield Uniting (Methodist) Church
Second organ: B. 1934 Hill, Norman & Beard (o/n N13).
Reb. 1979 Pitchford & Garside. 2m., 6rks. ext., 8c.,
Gt: Sw: Ped:
Church demolished to make way for new Wesley Mission 1991.



Please click on the blue links below to access further photos and information on the organs
Sydney suburbs are arranged in alphabetical order - please click on the blue letter of the suburb below
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Sydney City T U V W X Y Z

Click below for other organs in New South Wales
Maitland Wollongong
Click below for other Australian organs listed by State
Tasmania Northern Terr.